Do you accept “cash” deals?

No, we do not accept “cash” deals (also known as under-the-table deals) — it’s fraudulent and illegal.

Cash Deals Are a Bad Idea

A “cash” deal is a verbal agreement where a contractor provides their client a lower price in exchange for cash money payment and lack of formal receipts/contract.

You may think you are getting a better price with a “cash” deal, but in reality you are incurring greater risk. “Cash” deals come at the expense of receiving no written contracts or receipts of transaction, or incomplete contracts that don’t describe the full scope of work. Receipts and properly written contracts signed by both parties are required to hold your contractor accountable for incomplete work, poor-quality work, property damage, any possible cost overruns, and more.

Having less leverage and control over your project doesn’t sound like much of a deal to us.
